
Saturday, September 1, 2018

#Tour #Reviews LOST BOY by M. Robinson @AuthorMRobinson

Cover Model: Stephen James 
Cover Design: The Final Wrap
Genre: Contemporary Romance/ New Adult

In a world where I had no say, violence became my refuge, and nothing else mattered.

Not even my own life.

Until her.

Skyler Bell.

It all started the first time I heard that voice. Giving me hope for tomorrow. My first love was everything all at once.





Except, I never imagined there were secrets that needed to be shared. Lies that needed to be confessed. Truths that needed to be told. 

Demons that needed to be buried. 

Once I realized the depth, the longing, the sadness and sorrow in her eyes mirrored mine, it was too late. Love didn't come to me as heartbreak, it came as everything I've ever wanted. Walking away wasn't an option, but it was the only choice I had.

I finally found the price of love and it cost me...

My soul.

I really enjoyed this book and Noah’s storyline. Throughout Creed’s books I was so curious about Noah and what was going on in his life in through his mind. I really love his character. His connection with Skyler is unique and steamy. I loved that they had to find their way together the hard way. That they both had lessons to learn on their own. 

The only thing I was not a fan of was the time lapses (jumping forward several years, several times) and the news reports updating us on their lives. Sure it gives us the updates we want, but I would’ve loved to experience the characters getting to that place in their lives not just the cold update. Anyway, that’s just my personal preference! I loved the story and would recommend! 

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I found a Lost Boy in these pages. He is tough and sensitive. He hides his feelings after years of having them beat out of him. He longs for love and is starved for affection- true affection. He lives in the shadows of his father and the memories that bring him the most pain. He's lost and broken but he's a survivor.

Noah is everything you pray your children won't ever become while you pray they have the strength he does to persevere. It's brutal. It's depressing. It's raw. Everything this poor boy has gone's just raw.

Lost Boy may not be my favorite M. Robinson character but his is a special story.

Reviewed for Sweet Spot Sisterhood

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It feels like I've been waiting for ever to get my hands on Noah's book but it was worth the wait. How hot is that cover Stephen James is just how I pictured Noah absolutely perfect.

M has surpassed herself with this book, I'll admit I thought I had an idea how the story would go but I was so wrong. It's often been said that this author is The Queen of Angst and she certainly brought it in spades with Lost Boy. 

I'm not going to tell how Noah and Skylar's story plays out but I will say you'll laugh, cry swoon at Noah and probably want to throw your kindle away in frustration at the two of them. 

The epilogue was everything and next up is Aiden I can't wait.

reviewed by Sweet Spot Sisterhood

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My body molded perfectly against his like I was made just for him, only him. It was the most overwhelming, mind blowing, consuming feeling I’d ever felt in my entire life. There would be no coming back from this.
From him.
From us.
Ruining me for any other guy. He slowly parted his lips, beckoning me to do the same. I followed his lead, imitating the same rhythm he set. His tongue traced my swollen lips, and it left the craziest sensation in its wake. A tingly fire that only he could put out. I’d never be able to lick my lips and not think of this very moment. It would be lodged next to my heart where he belonged.
I pulled back my tongue, and he took it as an open invitation to gently push his into my awaiting mouth. Seeking mine out, turning this kiss into something more than I could have ever imagined it could be.
No words came close to describing what was happening between us. The feelings he stirred deep within my mind, my soul, matching my emotions with each stroke of his tongue and lips. This push and pull was as uncontrollable as where fate wanted to take us. I never wanted him to stop kissing me.
Not for a second.
A year.
A lifetime.
Noah’s lips were meant to be on mine. My body was meant to be beneath his. Our hearts were meant to be together.
I was his girl.
I had always been his girl.





USA Today Bestselling Author of Lost Boy, El Pecador, El Santo, Ends Here, Keeping Her Wet, Road to Nowhere, El Diablo, The Good Ol' Boys Standalone Series, The VIP Trilogy, Tempting Bad, and Two Sides.

M. Robinson loves to read. She favors anything that has angst, romance, triangles, cheating, love, and of course sex! She has been reading since the Babysitters Club and R.L. Stein. All time favorite books are The Bronze Horseman Trilogy by Paullina Simons.

She was born in New Jersey but was raised in Tampa Fl. She is married to an amazing man who she loves to pieces. They have two German shepherd mixes, a Wheaten Terrier and a Tabby cat.


Snapchat: AuthorMRobinson
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