"Everyone needs to read this book. "
- Harloe Rae, USA Today bestselling author
Broken Knight, an all new standalone about first loves, betrayal and loss from USA Today bestselling author L.J. Shen, is available now!

Not all love stories are written the same way. Ours had torn chapters, missing paragraphs, and a bittersweet ending.
Luna Rexroth is everyone’s favorite wallflower.
Underneath the meek, tomboy exterior everyone loves (yet pities) is a girl who knows exactly what, and who, she wants—namely, the boy from the treehouse who taught her how to curse in sign language.
Who taught her how to laugh.
To live.
To love.
Knight Cole is everyone’s favorite football hero.
This daredevil hell-raiser could knock you up with his gaze alone, but he only has eyes for the girl across the street: Luna.
But Luna is not who she used to be. She doesn’t need his protection anymore.
When life throws a curveball at All Saints’ golden boy, he’s forced to realize not all knights are heroes.
Sometimes, the greatest love stories flourish in tragedy.
If you want angst then this is the book for you! I absolutely loved this book and was so excited to get it into my hands! The hero and heroine grew up together and went through quite the journey of ups and downs as they got older and matured. Their connection was amazing from the start, though their relationship really went through the wringer as Knight went through a dark phase, forcing Luna to find her own way and come into herself independently. It's both heartbreaking and maddening in the best of ways!
reviewed by Sweet Spot Sisterhood
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This is not only Ms Shen's best book it's my standout book of the year. Days after I finished I still haven't recovered. Knight and Luna are soul mates, one only works when the other is near. The love, the friendship, the family the author gave it all to us. She held none of the pain back and didn't shy away from the heartbreak we knew was coming.
Leigh is an author ninja, this story won't creep up on you it's like a karate chop to the soul. At 2am she had my emotions in the palm of her hand and squeezed every last drop out of me until I had nothing left to give. I was her willing captive held hostage by her words.
Can the things we give up so readily for those we love really be called sacrifices when we willingly do so time and time again.
If you think you know Knight you don't.
If you wanted to know Luna you will.
There are so many individual moments that stand out in this story. This is a book every one needs to read.
Bravo Ms. Shen take a bow you deserve it.
reviewed for Sweet Spot Sisterhood
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KJC is a rockstar. A broken moody one but no less a fucking rockstar! I have cried. I have laughed. I have died a little on the inside...okay, a lot! I lived. I loved. I'm happy.
Broken Knight is beyond frustrating. I dont have the vocabulary needed or the emotional range to tell you exactly what this book is. Broken Knight has crippled the Hotholes line. I had a distinct line of awesomeness and was sure young Knight would fall in line but NO. Knight had to go and tear up the order. He threw his weight, his fists, and his words around. He tackled, stampeded, and demolished those standing before him. In the end, I'm not sure who is in the front anymore...Vicious or Knight. I don't think even Vicious has it in him to fight Knight after everything that happened. (Okay, so Vicious gave him a pass. It was bound to happen.)
Knight and Luna truly are a toxic tale. LJ Shen held nothing back in this twisted fairytale. She held nothing back but gave us everything she took tenfold!
I cannot tell you enough how heartbreakingly beautiful this imperfect pair truly are. I cannot express how much you will feel this book in your center, your heart, and your bones. Knight and Luna threw out the mold and good luck finding another book after this one! Book hangovers are real!
LJ Shen kicked butt and said "I don't need to take names" with this book. I honestly don't know whether yo fear the next installment or cling to it like a baby. Fear and longing had me waiting to read Broken Knight. I was afraid to finish it but linging to start it! I'm so agonized between having finished and getting my happily ever after. Don't fight it.
The sun will rise tomorrow.
Reviewed for Sweet Spot Sisterhood
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Download your copy today or read FREE in Kindle Unlimited!
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(Available 8/25)
Amazon Audible: https://amzn.to/2HdgKQH
Amazon Audible WorldWide: http://mybook.to/BrokenKnightAudio
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About LJ Shen
L.J. Shen is a USA Today, Washington Post and Amazon #1 Best-selling author of contemporary, New Adult and YA romance. Her books have been sold to nineteen different countries.
She lives in California with her husband, son, cat and eccentric fashion choices, and enjoys good wine, bad reality TV shows and catching sun rays with her lazy cat.

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