The whole stethoscope-and-white coat thing isn’t my cup of tea.
I prefer a man with an artistic vein in his body. 9 - 5 hours. And I can definitely do without the half-lidded, sleepy bedroom eyes. (Okay, so those are kind of sexy.) Tall, dark, and handsome doesn’t change the fact that he’s arrogant, cocky, and rude. Not that I care, but he’s made it clear he wants nothing to do with a quirky girl like me, which is why he said no. Turns out no isn’t an option. I have a quickie wedding to plan, and Dr. Jake Kissinger doesn’t have a choice. He looks at our situation like he’s stuck with me, but in reality I’m stuck with him. Stuck with his pouty mouth. His long, lean body. And stuck with those loose, low riding scrub pants. (Okay, so the doctor thing is growing on me.) When spending time together turns into more than it should, I know I’m in trouble. He isn’t supposed to make my heart pound. I’m not supposed to make him look twice. And we aren’t supposed to spend the night together. (Okay, so he has more than one artistic vein in his body, and other places.) Falling for him is definitely a mistake. Here’s the thing… Jake is unavailable, and I know it. Just not in the way you might think. I guess you can’t have your cake and eat it too.
An emotional and unforgettable new romance from New York Times bestselling author Kim Karr.
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paging Dr.Kiss...paging Dr. Kiss...
If I were a lusty person, the thoughts of a hot single doctor giving me unlimited orgasms might make me drool. (I was total a pile of drool.)
If I were shallow and all about insignificant things, I would make him play doctor with me. (You know you thought it too.)
But Jake is more than the first impression you get. More than Jules first impulsive reaction...but what a first impression.
The Thing About Love is cute, sexy, and sweet. It has some intense history and just enough mystery to keep you twisting for answers.
3.5 Stars
Hottie Doctor alert Jake Kissinger is in town and Hid nemesis is a quirky young woman called Jules.
The story made me laugh out loud several times and for the most part I enjoyed the book. Jules is an accident waiting to happen if anything can go wrong it will happen to her. The first meeting with Jake had me giggling so much it’s the kind of thing I can imagine happening to me. They have to work together to give Jake’s little sister her dream wedding.
I liked the premise of the book and the main characters were both likeable ordinary people you can imagine being friends with. I don’t know why but I liked the story but I didn’t love it. A promising start just seemed to fall flat for me the further I got into the book, I just wanted more of their connection and less of the witty anecdotes.

Kim Karr is a New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestselling author. She grew up in Rochester, NY and now lives in Florida with her husband and four kids. She’s always had a love for reading books and writing. Being an English major in college, she wanted to teach at the college level but that was not to be. She went on to receive an MBA and became a project manager until quitting to raise her family. Kim currently works part-time with her husband and recently decided to embrace one of her biggest passions–writing. Kim wears a lot of hats! Writer, book-lover, wife, soccer-mom, taxi driver, and the all around go-to person of her family. However, she always finds time to read. One of her favorite family outings was taking her kids when they were little to the bookstore or the library. Today, Kim’s oldest child is seventeen and no longer goes with her on these, now rare and infrequent, outings. She finds that she doesn’t need to go on them anymore because she has the greatest device ever invented–a Kindle. Kim likes to believe in soul mates, kindred spirits, true friends, and Happily-Ever-Afters. She loves to drink champagne, listen to music, and hopes to always stay young at heart.

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