Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Review: Bound by Steel

Bound by Steel Bound by Steel by Connie Lafortune
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

*I received this ARC through BTE Promotions in exchange for an honest review*
Bound By Steel was an attention-holding edgy romance with all the twists and turns you could imagine. There was an obvious yet mysterious connection between the hero (Ryker) and heroine (Lyra) and a lot of heat. The intimate scenes were well written as well. I really enjoyed the journey of the story and the idea behind the complexity of how several main players in the story interconnected to create such havoc. That being said, there were a few things that didn't do it for me.
I had a hard time connecting with the main characters. It rarely happens but there it is. In the beginning, I was seeing Ryker as a broken, yet hardened alpha male...until his inner thoughts did not match up. The little sayings and goofy quips (in the narrative) had me confused about who his character was meant to be because it wasn't fitting to me. I can appreciate that maybe he was once silly and carefree like that but the book didn't flow that way to me. There were many other sayings that had me making faces... Why would someone (Kennedy) as a grown woman say, "H-E-Double hockey sticks" at all, let alone when she finds out her best friend is someone else entirely? :/
Lyra's emotions were on level 10 through the whole book. Overly angry/violent because she had a bad/inconvenient day is one example, and full on bawling every time she cried. It was like a song that had no highs and lows. There is a lot of power in a trembly lip and tear-welled eyes.
I found myself rereading a page here and there because some parts were confusing, laying out exactly what had happened in the chaos of all the different people that had crossed and wronged each other. There was a short section where we got Kennedy's POV that, to me, was completely irrelevant because none of the info we learned from it was pertinent to the story. Her character played too minor of a part for us to require her POV.

The things that I didn't like are not meant to downplay the story as a whole. I still enjoyed the read and was glad to read it. As an honest review I want to lay it all out there and so it is.

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